HL: 86-769-8507 7000
Fx: 86-769-8531 3421
Monica: 86-13829137016
Attn.: Ms Monica
Add: Dalang Town,Dongguan City,GD.CN.
Tin Solder Product Making Equipment
Semi-auto wire Winding machine
1.Technical parameters

2. Description
VT-08M belonging tin line-up machine, semi-automatic type, mainly used for leaded and lead-free solder wire packaging, is obtained by a good wire drawing machine drawing close around the spool, the completion of the final product processes.
Semi-up machine with automatic record meter shut down, break down, since the row automatic queuing line function. This equipment includes rack, active device, the clamping device, the tension pulley set, cable and copper wheels, electric control parts and other components. Active devices which have motors, electromagnetic brake, thimble and hand wheel, the power to the motor through V-belt on the spindle, the electromagnetic brake and emergency brake for full plate. Clamping device has a head and a clamping cylinder for quick clamping reel achieve closing line function.
The machine merits with nice shape, low noise, simple operation, cable tidy.